Day School Placement

The day school placement process is geared towards assisting families with students of all abilities applying to grades Pre-K-12 in the Atlanta area.

First and always most important is understanding the academic, social and emotional needs of the student. The student is always the center of the process. Grayson’s undergraduate degree in psychology combined with her Master’s in Education allow her to examine both the educational and social needs of each student. Her degrees and training in Orton-Gillingham have equipped her with the knowledge necessary to understand psychoeducational evaluations and the academic standing of students. Her experience has also allowed her to work with a wide range of students and schools throughout the Atlanta area.

Grayson understands that the application process can be a stressful one. Her goal is to engage with the students and families in a way that can make this process both fun and exciting. By collaborating with other professionals such as teachers, psychologists, tutors, etc., Grayson will develop a clear understanding of the student and their needs in order to make appropriate school recommendations for each child. She enjoys being part of the student’s team so that everyone can work together to provide the student with the best possible outcome.

Grayson offers two different services to families:


In addition to full placement services, Grayson also offers one-time consultations to parents who are simply seeking information about Atlanta schools. To begin this process, families provide Lida Griest Educational Counseling with any student records that are readily available (report cards, standardized test results, teacher comments, psychological evaluations). Having access to this information allows Grayson to have a clear understanding of the child’s academic strengths and weaknesses so that she can help the family identify potentially appropriate schools to research for their child. Unlike the full placement service where Grayson spends face-to-face time with the student throughout the course of the year, she is not able to identify the right for the child since her information is limited to academic records and parental input. With this service, Grayson does not have contact with the student’s current school or any schools where the student might apply.

Full placement process:

A full day school placement is a comprehensive service focused on identifying the best school “fit” for the student and assisting the family through the entire application process. She works with families seeking both mainstream and special needs schools, from pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.

The day school placement includes (but is not limited to) the following services:

  • Reading all pertinent material
  • Meeting with parents
  • Meeting with student
  • Connecting with other professionals who work with the student
  • Recommending appropriate school fit
  • Assisting with JATP/SSAT planning
  • Working with student on interview skills

Grayson begins by reviewing all of the student’s records — including transcripts, psychological evaluations and standardized testing. She then meets with the parents to get the student’s complete history as well as understand what the family is looking for in a school. Grayson also meets with the student to get to know them and their personality. Another important component is talking with professionals that have worked with the student, i.e. past teachers, tutors, therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists.

After receiving all of this information, Grayson will make recommendations to the family on schools that would be most appropriate for their child. She then guides the family through the application process in order to make things go as seamlessly as possible. It is her goal that each student be placed in an environment that can best meet the student’s needs, and can challenge and encourage each student to reach their full potential.

In addition, Grayson is available to consult with families after they have received admissions decisions from all of the schools to help them determine the best fit for their individual child.